What is a Lisfranc Injury?

A Lisfranc injury, also known as Lisfranc fracture or Lisfranc dislocation, involves damage to the Lisfranc joint complex, which is located in the midfoot area. This complex consists of a group of bones and ligaments connecting the long bones of the foot (metatarsals) to the midfoot (tarsals) bones.

A Lisfranc injury typically occurs when a forceful twisting or impact to the midfoot leads to fractures or dislocation of the bones or disruption of the ligaments in the Lisfranc joint complex. This injury can range from mild to severe and may involve various structures within the foot.

What Causes a Lisfranc Injury?

Common causes of Lisfranc injuries include:

Trauma: Lisfranc injuries often result from traumatic incidents such as falls from a height, motor vehicle accidents, or sports-related collisions or falls. These forceful events can cause fractures or dislocation of the bones in the midfoot.

Sports activities: Athletes who require sudden directional changes, pivoting, or foot impact, such as football or soccer, are at a higher risk of Lisfranc injuries.

Symptoms for Lisfranc Injury

The symptoms of a Lisfranc injury may include:

  1. Pain and swelling in the midfoot area.
  2. Difficulty bearing weight on the affected foot.
  3. Bruising or discoloration.
  4. Tenderness to touch.
  5. Instability or abnormal positioning of the foot.
  6. Difficulty or inability to move the foot or toes.

Diagnosis of a Lisfranc injury typically involves a physical examination, evaluation of medical history, and imaging tests such as X-rays, CT scans, or MRIs. Prompt and accurate diagnosis is essential for appropriate treatment planning.

Treatment for Lisfranc Injury

Treatment options for Lisfranc injuries depend on the severity of the injury and may include:

Non-surgical treatment: Mild Lisfranc injuries that involve stable fractures or ligament sprains may be managed conservatively with immobilization, rest, ice, compression, and elevation (RICE), and the use of crutches to keep weight off the foot.

Surgical treatment: Severe Lisfranc injuries, such as unstable fractures or dislocations, often require surgical intervention. The specific surgical procedure will depend on the extent and location of the injury and may involve realignment of the bones, fixation with screws or plates, or reconstruction of damaged ligaments.

Following treatment, rehabilitation, and physical therapy are crucial to restore strength, mobility, and function to the foot.

It’s important to consult with a healthcare professional, such as an orthopedic surgeon or a foot and ankle specialist, for an accurate diagnosis and appropriate treatment plan for a Lisfranc injury.



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