What is a Nerve Conduction Study?

A nerve conduction study (NCS) is a diagnostic test used to assess the health and function of the peripheral nerves, which are the nerves that extend from the spinal cord to the rest of the body. It involves the measurement of electrical signals and the conduction speed of these signals along the nerves.

When patients report soreness, numbness, and weakness in an area of the body that does not subside, Physicians usually conduct two tests to determine the source of the issue. An Electromyogram will show if the issue lies in the muscles, while a Nerve Conduction Study tests the Nerves.

NCS is commonly used to evaluate and diagnose nerve-related conditions and disorders, such as peripheral neuropathy, nerve entrapment syndromes (e.g., carpal tunnel syndrome), nerve injuries, and certain muscle disorders. The test helps assess the integrity of the nerves, identify areas of nerve damage or dysfunction, and determine the extent and location of the problem.

How Does A Nerve Conduction Study Work?

During a Nerve Conduction Study, the Doctor places small electrodes on the surface of the patient’s skin, directly over the nerve in question. The electrode delivers a slight electrical pulse to the nerve and records the nerve’s response speed. This can tell the Doctor if the nerve responds slower than a healthy nerve, which may suggest the nerves as the source of the patient’s pain.

NCS provides information about the speed and strength of nerve impulses, which can help identify abnormalities. The test measures parameters such as nerve conduction velocity (how fast the electrical signals travel along the nerve), amplitude (strength of the electrical signal), and latency (time it takes for the electrical signal to reach specific points along the nerve pathway). These measurements can provide valuable information about the nerves’ condition and help make an accurate diagnosis.

In addition to nerve conduction measurements, NCS may also involve sensory and motor testing. Sensory testing assesses the ability of the nerves to transmit sensory signals, such as touch or temperature sensations. Motor testing evaluates the function of the nerves that control muscle movement by measuring muscle response to nerve stimulation.

Nerve conduction studies are generally safe and non-invasive. There is minimal discomfort associated with the electrical stimulation, which some individuals may find mildly uncomfortable. The test duration can vary depending on the number of nerves being evaluated but typically ranges from 30 minutes to an hour or more.

A qualified healthcare professional, such as a neurologist or physiatrist interpret the results of the nerve conduction study. They analyze the data obtained from the test, along with the individual’s clinical history and symptoms, to make a diagnosis and develop a treatment plan.

The Purpose of a Nerve Conduction Study:

A nerve conduction study serves several purposes:

  1. Diagnosis: It can help diagnose nerve-related conditions such as carpal tunnel syndrome, sciatica, peripheral neuropathy, and nerve injuries.
  2. Localization: By assessing the speed and strength of nerve conduction, the study can help determine the location of nerve damage or compression along the nerve pathway.
  3. Severity: The study provides information about nerve damage or dysfunction severity.

Benefits of a Nerve Conduction Study:

  • Objective Assessment: Nerve conduction studies provide objective data about nerve function, helping healthcare providers make accurate diagnoses.
  • Non-Invasive: The procedure is non-invasive and doesn’t involve needles entering the body.


  • The procedure might cause temporary discomfort due to the electrical stimulation, but it’s generally well-tolerated.
  • Trained medical professionals, such as neurologists or electrodiagnostic technicians typically perform nerve conduction studies.
  • The results of the study are usually interpreted in conjunction with other clinical information and tests to make a comprehensive diagnosis.

It’s important to note that while nerve conduction studies can provide valuable information about nerve function, they might not detect every type of nerve problem. Additional tests, such as electromyography (EMG) and clinical assessment, might be necessary to evaluate nerve-related conditions fully.

If your healthcare provider recommends a nerve conduction study, it’s because they believe it will provide important information for diagnosing and managing your condition. They can explain the procedure, its benefits, and what to expect in more detail.





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